"Saver the Moment: movie inspired screen savers". ^ Joel Silver, interviewed in "Making The Matrix" featurette on The Matrix DVD.^ Joel Silver, interviewed in "Scrolls to Screen: A Brief History of Anime" featurette on The Animatrix DVD.In this free screensaver green hieroglyphics. The raw material of the simulation is even more basic in The Matrix – machine language itself, in the same familiar green. The Matrix Screensaver immerses the monitor in the well-known from the movie trilogy Maxtrix green design. In lieu of landscape, only crude phosphor-green polygons, the basic units of video graphics rendering, in the primal monochrome of an old CRT. In the denouement, Douglas Hall simply crests a hill to discover that what he had thought was the real world has, beyond this point, yet to be constructed. "Creator of The Matrix code reveals its mysterious origins". ^ Bisset, Jennifer (October 19, 2017).^ Oreck, Josh (Director) Wachowski, Larry Matthies, Eric (Producers) (November 20, 2001).Several imitations have been made, mostly in the form of screensavers. No official version of the code's typeface actually used in the Matrix trilogy and in the website for the game Path of Neo has been released. The 1995 cyberpunk film Ghost in the Shell, a strong influence on The Matrix, features opening credits similar to the digital rain. One predecessor of the digital rain exists in a "code-scene" of the movie Meteo, a Hungarian experimental-pop culture movie from 1990. The effect resembles that of the older green screen displays, since the letters leave a fluorescent trace on the screen. In a 2017 interview at CNET, he attributed the design to his wife, who comes from Japan, and added, "I like to tell everybody that The Matrix's code is made out of Japanese sushi recipes".

This code uses a custom typeface designed by Simon Whiteley, which includes mirror images of half-width kana characters and Western Latin letters and numerals.

In the film, the code that comprises the Matrix itself is frequently represented as downward-flowing green characters.